Zoo lights
This last week for Thanksgiving we headed down to Phoenix to spend time with the family. We had a great time and Emily was so excited to play with her cousins Fella and Candle (aka Bella and Kendall) Thanksgiving day was the normal eat more than you should and then eat pie kind of day. It was great! Some of the girls were going black Friday shopping at midnight and I was crazy enough to join. I ended up only lasting until 2am and was too tired to keep going. Thankfully my wonderful father-in-law heard Em in the morning and came and snagged her out of bed and let me sleep in. That too was great!! Friday night we headed to Zoo lights in Phoenix. The Zoo uses 2.5 million individual lights for ZooLights. It was neat to walk the zoo at night and see all the displays. Emily loved it!
Zachary update ~ He is now in Pensacola and loving that it is not so intense as boot camp. It is still not fun but he at least has been able to take some naps and eat snacks in his room. I mailed his phone to him and now we can talk and text several times a day. It is so great to have communication with him now. He gets to come home for Christmas and then after that he will be taking Em and I back to live with him in Pensacola. There is a chance that he won't be able to stay the night for with us for awhile but being able to see him everyday would be awesome. We are looking forward to living in Pensacola and doing some fun things we would not normally get to do.
Zachary update ~ He is now in Pensacola and loving that it is not so intense as boot camp. It is still not fun but he at least has been able to take some naps and eat snacks in his room. I mailed his phone to him and now we can talk and text several times a day. It is so great to have communication with him now. He gets to come home for Christmas and then after that he will be taking Em and I back to live with him in Pensacola. There is a chance that he won't be able to stay the night for with us for awhile but being able to see him everyday would be awesome. We are looking forward to living in Pensacola and doing some fun things we would not normally get to do.
Hey Brenda-
Love the pictures. Hope you guys are doing well and please tell Zachary we are thinking about him & hoping you can join him soon. Maddie & Andy say hi to Emily.
Love Jennifer (& all the Nugents in Texas)
Sweet pictures! She's got a funny little smile.
Really enjoy seeing your pictures and reading about your adventures. We are happy you will be able to go to Pensacola to be with Zach.
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