Free Smiles
This little girl loves to give out her smiles now. Especially right after she wakes up after a nap. I guess she has such a good sleep she just wakes up happy and is ready to pass out the smiles. Heather was lucky enough to capture these cute smiles the other day while she was watching her so that I could have a good nap too. (unfortunately I didn't wake up with smiles like my daughter because I am still fighting a cold and sinus infection)
Emily has had a good past few days and the colic has not been as bad.
She seems to sleep a lot better and for a longer period of time when she is sleeping next to us in our bed which is a good and bad thing. I really don't want her to get used to sleeping with us but on the other hand it is so nice to get a few extra hours of sleep. I started her on a little routine tonight hoping that it will help her sleep a little better. First we have a night time bath with soothing lavender bath wash then she gets a little massage to relax her ( she seemed to really enjoy it) then she eats and we read a story and rocked. She went right to sleep when I laid her down. Hopefully it keeps on working.
Schedules Smiles Sweet
Her bedtime routine sounds a lot like mine...
Oh my gosh, she is THE SWEETEST little girl EVER! Just from looking at a few pictures, I can tell she has developed so much personality in the past few weeks.
I want to hug and hold and kiss her. Our house really needs to sell, I *hate* missing my favorite niece growing up!!
Still praying that you can get over the stinking cold and whatnot.
Love y'all!
Marla, you have the cutest most lovable kid on the planet. I miss that tiny little girl. Her smiles are so contagious.
I love my beautiful daughter immensely!!!!!!!
Nice smiles. Congrats on a beautiful daughter. Are you sure she is Zachary's?
I miss this girl like crazy!!!! I have her birth announcement on the fridge and it makes me smile every time I see it.
Thanks for sending me that book. When I first saw a pkg w/your writing, I forgot about the book and was hoping you had sent Emily pictures. :)
But I can keep getting my fix on here for a *little* while.
I had a dream that she was talking, I was all depressed that I missed so much of her growing up. I sure hope this house sells soon!!!
What beautiful smiles! See is adorable. I hope I get to meet her before she is too grown-up! Thanks for posting even though I know you have your hands full. I love to read about her and your adjustments to her!
How sweet! She's awfully young to be such a smiler -- she must be a happy genius!
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